As most of you know, we had our assessment run last night. This was supposed to be a timed mile run, but since we are in the middle of a heat dome they shortened it to a half-mile run.

We got there (already sweating) and did a few warm-up exercises (even though we were already very warm). Then our herd of about 50 or so women took off towards the guy standing 0.25 miles ahead of us. Considering I've only ever jogged short distances, I though I did really well to make it all the way to the first stop jogging. That was 1/8th of a mile in 1:22.

Then, the heat started to factor in... breathing became harder, chest pain creeped up, sweat ran into my eyes, and my body felt heavier than ever. We managed to make it to the 0.25 mark, turned around and jogged a little bit more before bringing it in at 7:49. Everyone at the run was SO supportive. We even had an instructor jog beside us who offered tips along the way.
- Do not push yourself too hard in the heat
- It's not so much about your legs as it is your mind
- Running socks and dry-wicking shirts make a world of difference
- Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
Overall, I am super duper proud of myself. I've always wanted to run, but never really saw it as an option. Now, it's really happening!