Monday, July 11, 2011

Can I get your John Hancock?

Courtney and I decided that we will one day be famous and therefore autographed everyone's copy of Code U in our office. They'll appreciate it when it's worth millions one day...


  1. Lauren and Courtney,

    Congratulations on your commitment and your progress to date. You both should be very proud of what you're doing. I have also made the change for healthier living and have been very successful. I started at 221 and now weigh 160. This has taken a year and a half but I have enjoyed every bit of it now that I am looking back from the finish. Please feel free to contact me if you would like some assistance, encouragement, or just someone to share with. My email is I look forward to keeping up with your progress.

  2. Thanks, Mike!! We have been receiving lots of support. That is great that you lost so much and can look back at the journey and say you enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to the day I'll be able to look back and enjoy the benefits! :)
