Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, out there!!!
Welcome, to all our new readers (thanks to the calendar)! Calendar, you ask? Oh that's right... we haven't talked about it here yet. Remember way back in the day we mentioned a "
suprise" that involved a "photo shoot"?!?! Well, it was a photo shoot for our calendar pics. You heard right, Courtney and I are... CALENDAR GIRLS!
Mrs. February |
Ms. July |
We both lost again this week... holler!!! Training for the
Cooper River Bridge 10K is in full swing and we're tracking points for every "BLT... Bite, Lick, and Taste" (as Mitzi says). PS... if you don't know who Mitzi is, you're missing out! She's our Weight Watchers at Work facilitator and has been WW Leader of the Year on more than one occassion, AND she's just.plain.the.BEST.period. Come to WW at Work at Moses Cone and you can see for yourself. (Mitzi didn't ask for this plug... but I felt it was necessary to add.) Here's the chart... watch those numbers drop!!
The week ahead:
BodyPump x 2 (DUH... you should know this by now)
Running x 3 (or 4) atleast 3 miles each time
Protein shakes?? Testing the waters...
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