Thursday, January 26, 2012

Week 38 Results

Big news (since we failed to post last week)... Courtney reached her 10% goal!!! That's one huge accomplishment at Weight Watchers and she is well on her way to losing much, much more!

There's no turning back now... we're going full-speed ahead this time around. While we will still have weigh-ins that are not ideal, we're not letting that shake us. The countdown is on for the Cooper River Bridge 10K and we're getting our butts in gear.

Soon you will see us posting about our successes and challenges with running.

The week ahead:
  • Running atleast 3 days
  • BodyPump Tuesday and Thursday
  • Tracking like crazy with Weight Watchers

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week 36 Results

Today started a brand new sessions of Weight Watchers and we were so excited/nervous to weigh-in. Courtney knew she was going to be down and was hoping to meet her 10% goal. I, on the other hand was nervous because even though I've been tracking every single thing that goes in my mouth and exercising, I had not been able to weigh myself on a consistent scale for the past 2 weeks.
(via The Savy Sistah)

 There were lots of people at the Weight Watchers meeting and we feel like there will be good energy and motivation that comes out of that group. If you haven't signed up, it's not too late. Next Wednesday is our official start date.

So... we both lost weight this week! :) We're back on our running schedule trying to prepare for the Cooper River 10K. The holidays are over and we are super, duper motivated. Keep checking back, because these numbers will definitely keep dropping.

The Week Ahead:
  • Tracking points
  • Running 3 times a week
  • BodyPump 2 times a week

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!!

The holidays are behind us and it's a new year... meaning new energy and motivation. Sure it wasn't easy to face those holiday sweets and treats, but we lived through it and are ready to get back on track.

There's been a brief lapse in Weight Watchers and we will resume our weekly weigh-ins when the next session starts (hopefully in the next week or two). If you're a Cone Health employee... check out the AWESOME discount we get for participating in WW at Work.

25% Discount for anyone covered by Cone Health - sponsored insurance
+ 25% Discount for attending atleast 80% of the WW at Work meetings
+ 25% Discount for meeting your 5% weight loss goal

= A Potential 75% Discount!

Also, we are starting new competitions with fresh motivation (these are for money), and we're still training for the Cooper River Bridge 10K in Charleston, SC. If you are looking for a new challenge... we strongly recommend training for a race. There's nothing like that feeling when you cross the finish line. :)

The Week Ahead:
  • BodyPump on Tuesday and Thursday
  • Weight Watchers TRACKING!
  • Water, water, water
  • Watching sodium intake