Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Life in the fast lane...

So, we've been losing weight and with $10,000 on the line... we're kicking it into over-drive. We're waving goodbye to crazy numbers on the scale and flabbiness, and moving full-speed ahead in the fast lane.

Being on a team has added a tremendous amount of pressure to lose weight. Of course, the money adds pressure, too. But seeing our teammates lose weight, has helped put us in check and be responsible for our own weightloss. Each week we fail to lose, we not only disappoint ourselves but also our team. PAUSE.

Brief Intermission: I am by no means encouraging anyone to be unhealthy or to lose so much weight that it puts them at risk for complications. This is a competition, which in its nature is designed to use these pressures to help people lose weight. Sure there will be times when we don't do as well as we'd like and we will probably feel some sort of guilt. The competition is designed to turn that negative emotion into a positive by leveraging the team for encouragement to do better the following week. 

Good new... I finally (did I say, finally?) FINALLY reached my 5% according to Weight Watchers. As most of you know, I hit a plateau for about a year after losing 30 pounds. So I've been wading in the same 240s for almost a year now. Thankfully the competition has pushed me back on track, and this week I'm down a full 40 lbs from the start of my journey 2 years ago!!

Courtney dealt with the sickness that's been going around, but still managed to lose weight this week. We are very proud of our success and still have lots of motivation and momentum to carry us through. Cue Rocky music... (not sure why, but it's been stuck in my head all week).

This week:
  • Running 3 times, Walking on "non-running" days
  • BodyPump atleast once, preferably twice

For a little added inspiration this week...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 42 Results

This week has been extremely exciting so far! We are pumped up on new found motivation. Courtney and I are in "the Matchup"... a $10,000 team competition. (In case you are a little slow on the math... that's $2,000 each) The competition runs through May 11, so we'll be asking for all of the help we can get. (Feel free to slap me on the wrist if you see me try to grab a donut)

(via HealthyWage)

Big news at our WW weigh-in today... Courtney reached 30 lbs and I dropped into the next set of numbers (hello... 230s)!!! All this after the Mardi Gras potluck for FAT TUESDAY yesterday. Look for more frequent motivational posts as we continue the competition.

The week ahead:
  • Run (Monday/Wednesday/Saturday)
  • BodyPump (Tuesday/Thursday)
  • Adding in cross-training (bike) on BodyPump days
  • WW Tracking
  • Drowning ourselves with water 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Week 41 Results

Valentine's Day has come and gone. Hopefully everyone managed to make it through the chocolatey holiday without gaining too much. If you did gain (like I did), don't fall off the wagon... there is still progress to be made! Unfortunately, I discovered Raspberry Hugs. (Let's just say they're amazing.)

(via The Daily Click)

What's new in our world? Hmmmmm. Well, we've been running like crazy folks. This past Saturday, we ran our longest distance yet, 4.5 miles! That's so close to 6.2, we can taste it!! Long distance running welcomed me with blisters, even though I wore my $10 running socks. (Oh the joys of running) Other than running, it's been pretty much the same 'ol game around here... try to eat less, follow WW, and move more.

I made the King's Cake last year and it was delicious!
(Even though it looks... special.)

Next week will prove to be another challenge. We have our annual Fat Tuesday Potluck at the office. (Our office knows how to throw down in the kitchen!) Since it will be on Tuesday, we'll miss BodyPump and we'll have to weigh-in the very next day at WW. That means, we have to do really good leading up to it. "Fail to plan, plan to fail." Here are the results from the last 2 weeks... let's hope we both see red numbers next week.

The Week Ahead:
  • Long run on Saturday
  • Potluck on Tuesday
  • Tracking with WW
  • Adding in something new (zumba, aerobics, swimming, etc)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Week 39 Results

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, out there!!!

Welcome, to all our new readers (thanks to the calendar)! Calendar, you ask? Oh that's right... we haven't talked about it here yet. Remember way back in the day we mentioned a "suprise" that involved a "photo shoot"?!?! Well, it was a photo shoot for our calendar pics. You heard right, Courtney and I are... CALENDAR GIRLS!


Mrs. February

Ms. July
We both lost again this week... holler!!! Training for the Cooper River Bridge 10K is in full swing and we're tracking points for every "BLT... Bite, Lick, and Taste" (as Mitzi says). PS... if you don't know who Mitzi is, you're missing out! She's our Weight Watchers at Work facilitator and has been WW Leader of the Year on more than one occassion, AND she's just.plain.the.BEST.period. Come to WW at Work at Moses Cone and you can see for yourself. (Mitzi didn't ask for this plug... but I felt it was necessary to add.) Here's the chart... watch those numbers drop!!

The week ahead:
  • BodyPump x 2 (DUH... you should know this by now)
  • Running x 3 (or 4) atleast 3 miles each time
  • Protein shakes?? Testing the waters...